Conference Renewables for Self-consumption in Mozambique
Last November 30th took place the "Renewables for Self-consumption in Mozambique" conference, organised by ALER and AMER, with the support of GET.invest Mozambique - funded by the European Union and Germany, and part of the European programme GET.invest.
At the conference, which took place exclusively online, the potential of the energy market of auto-consumption in Mozambique was discussed, especially in the Commercial and Industrial sector (C&I).
In the morning, the regulatory framework and the advantages and benefits of renewable auto-consumption projects were discussed, and in the afternoon, the case studies and the subject of the financing of these projects.
The conference has AIMO (Industrial Association of Mozambique) and CTA (Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique) as partners.

The session videos are now available in the original audio and the full session in PT and EN.
You can choose to watch the full video, or the 15-minute summary video with a selection of all key moments.
(If all videos are not yet available, please stay tuned)

Check here the speakers presentations.
Scroll down to find the pdf presentation in front of the respective speaker's name

Check the Press Release of the conference (PT only) with the key statements from most relevant speakers