Good Practices Seminar as part of the 'Interchange to analyse the potential of a Home Solar Systems Programme in Angola'

Serafim Dias Henriques da Silveira graduated from the Higher Institute of Machinery in Zaporojie (Ukraine) since 1992 in Electrical Engineering in the specialty of Electricity Supply in Agricultural and Rural Areas. He started his activity in the Angolan Electric Sector at the Ministry of Energy and Water in 1993. From 1994 to 1999, in service commission, he held the position of Provincial Director of Energy and Water in the Province of Cuanza Norte, after which he returned to the Ministry of Energy and Water where until 2008, held the position of Head of Department for Licensing and Supervision of Electrical Installations;
After the previous function was discontinued, he became Director of the Office of the Minister of Energy and Water, until the end of 2008 In 2009 he was appointed to the position of National Director of Rural and Local Electrification, position he held until 2020 and in August 2020 was appointed to the position of National Director of Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification being in office to date.

Isabel Cancela de Abreu is an Environmental Engineer with an Executive Master on Sustainable Energy Systems.Her experience in renewable energies started at APREN, the Portuguese Renewable Energy Association, where she was Director of the Technical Department.
Isabel was afterwards invited to work as Policy Adviser at EREC, the European Renewable Energy Council.
Later on, she decided to take advantage of her national and international experience to found ALER, the Lusophone Renewable Energy Association, where she now works as Executive Director.
In addition, Isabel was also a social volunteer in Niassa - Mozambique, and did an internship at Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh to learn about their microcredit and Solar Home Systems programs.

Victor Fontes is an Electrical Engineer, having been responsible for the Investment Area of EDEL, Deputy General Manager of ENE, Electricity Technician of Soares da Costa, General Manager of LUATA and currently is Managing Partner/ General Manager of ELEKTRA which he combines with the Presidency of ASAER.

Telma Mariza Matavel Nkutumula, 40 years old, born in the city of Maputo, province of Maputo, jurist at the Faculty of Law of the Eduardo Mondlane University, also attended the undergraduate course in Energy Law.
It then joined the Ministry of Energy in 2006 which will later also become more public, where the Ministry of Resources and Energy functioned in the area of international cooperation and in the legal area. Telma participated in the negotiation of different legal instruments in the development of the energy sector, as well as participating in the negotiation of contracts.
In 2020, she moved to the Energy Regulatory Authority, where she currently serves as Director of the Legal Affairs and Consumer Support Division.

Luis Mourão Garcês da Silva is part of the Electric Sector since 1984, integrated in the National Electricity Company - ENE where he served as Chief Executive Officer being Deputy General Manager (1989 - 1991 and 1993 - 1999), General Director (1991 - 1992) and Administrator (1999 - 2005).
In 2006 he joined the Electrical Sector Regulatory Institute IRSE and served as Administrator (2006 - 2010) and Chairman of the Board of Directors (2010 - 2016) and in 2016 with the creation of IRSEA plays since that date the role of President of the Executive Board(2016 - 2022).
Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the Agostinho Neto University and attended several training courses, especially the Training in High Management of Companies by ASM/ AESE, and training in the Master in Regulatory Law by the International Training Program in Regulatory Entities of the University of Gainnesville/Florida.

Miquelina Menezes was president of FUNAE, the Mozambique Energy Fund responsible for off-grid rural electrification projects, between 1998 and the end of 2015.
Before working at FUNAE, he was responsible for the VAT project with the IMF at the Ministry of Finance.
Most of his professional career was in the energy sector. She served as Deputy General Director of the National Hydrocarbon Company between 1986 and 1998 and previously worked at the Mining Development Company, the Ministry of Mineral Resources, the State Secretariat for Coal and Hydrocarbons and the National Coal Company.
Since 1992, she has been a management professor at Eduardo Mondlane University - Faculty of Economics.
She is currently President of the General Assembly of ALER, member of the Board of Directors of AMER and works as Renewable Energy Senior Officer at the Foundation for Community Development.

Mr. Diogenes Orsini has a degree in Electrical Engineering/Power Systems from Universidade Agostinho Neto. Since 2021 is the National Director of Electric Energy at MINEA, where he previously served as Consultant to His Excellency Mr. Secretary of State for Energy. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of EPAL-E.P. between 2019/2021 and 2017/2019. Also worked as Inspector General of the Ministry of Energy and Water, Head of the Department of Electric Energy (DEE) of the National Directorate of Energy of MINEA, and as a Technician in the Office of Studies, Planning and Statistics (GEPE) of MINEA in the Department of Studies and Statistics and Member of the Project Coordination Unit with the World Bank.