International Conference - São Tomé and Principe Sustainable Energy

Senior management of the EMAE Water and Electricity Company since 2009, assigned to the Electricity Department, in the Renewable Energy Department. He is a senior technician in Electrotechnics from the Étienne Mimard Technological School (France), a degree in Energy Demand and Renewable Energies and a master's degree in Industrial and Urban Ecological Engineering and Sustainable Development from the Public University of Angers (France).
He held the position of Director of Energy at DGRNE between 2015 and 2018 and coordinator of the “Promotion Renewable Energy” Project financed by the UNDP GEF and implemented by the Directorate General for Natural Resources and Energy between 2018 and 2022.

As Africa Program Officer at the International Energy Agency (IEA or Agency), Rita Madeira develops, gives support and coordinates the Agency's work in Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing primarily on the West African and Southern African regions. Prior to joining the IEA, she worked as a legal advisor and advised African governments in negotiating complex commercial transactions, mainly in the energy sector, and also carried out various capacity building activities on the African continent on project finance and other related topics.

Vanda Cascão has a degree in Law from the University of Coimbra and a post-graduation in European Studies (Legal) from the College of Europe in Bruges. Vanda joined VdA in 1993 and is a partner in the Energy & Natural Resources practice area. She has worked on several transactions in the energy sector, including renewables, and in the infrastructure sector, from project structuring to implementation, including financing. Vanda also follows up on regulatory matters in these sectors. She also works on green economy, sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues, including green and sustainable financing, being Certified ESG Analyst by EFFAS, European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies. Vanda has worked in operations in Portugal and internationally, particularly in Europe and Africa.

Has a degree in Geography and Territory Management from the University of Santiago in Cape Verde. A member of the National Committee on Climate Change, she acted as Regional Director for the Environment and Nature Conservation and was a member of the Management Unit of the Principe Island Biosphere Reserve. She currently serves as the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Sustainable Development.

Sulisa Signo Bom Jesus Quaresma, born in S.Tomé, is a Senior Technician at the Directorate General for the Environment, linked since May 2009 to the Directorate for Environmental Conservation, Sanitation and Quality. She is a Chemical Engineer by training with a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering in the specialties of Environment, Energy and Processes from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra in 2008. As part of her duties at the Directorate General for the Environment, she has contributed to the integrated management of waste, contaminated, disposal of hazardous waste in an environmentally sound manner. In the field of environment and climate change in the last 11 years, she has been involved in the elaboration of National Communications (CN), National Inventories of Greenhouse Gases for the IPPU and Waste sectors, design of the National Monitoring Report and Verification System (MRV), and in the elaboration of Technological Needs Assessment (TNA) reports to adapt to climate change in the Water, Coastal Zones and Agroforestry sectors. She has experience in the field of education and awareness of sustainability, where she has carried out various activities contributing to formal environmental education and informing about environmental aspects and sustainable development in order to increase awareness and change people's behavior on issues related to water, waste, forests, climate change, soil erosion, etc.

Graduated in Forestry from the University of Pinar del Rio (Cuba), Master in Management and Management of Forests and Tropical Territories at ERAIFT (École Régionale Post -Universitaire d'Aménagement et de Gestion Integrés des Forêts et Territoires Tropicaux) and Master's in Environmental Education at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. Senior technician at the Forestry and Biodiversity Directorate for more than 12 years. He has collaborated in the elaboration of several projects related to the forestry sector, being at the moment the Focal Point of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Project, where he coordinates the elaboration and dissemination of the National Forest and Landscape Restoration Plan. He is a member of the National Committee on Climate Change and of the National Coordination of COMIFAC in São Tomé and Príncipe. He has participated in several works related to climate change, from the elaboration of national reports, as well as the inventory of gases in the Forestry and Other Soil Soil sector. In his career he has been a secondary and university teacher, having taught various subjects from Ecology, Plant Ecology, Nature Conservation, Environmental Education, Health Education, Faunistic Resources, Biology and Mathematics.

Currently a member of the Directorate General for Natural Resources and Energy, graduated in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Mato Grosso- Brazil, Master in Environmental Education from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal, and PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies from the Instituto Superior Technician, Portugal.

Carlos Coelho is currently Executive Director of the GreenVolt Group, responsible for the group's new energy business unit. Physical Engineer from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra and Master in Paper Pulp Production Processes from the University of Beira Interior, Carlos Coelho also stands out for his training in management, through his participation in the Executive Program in Advanced Management of Universidade Católica Portuguesa and the Senior Executive Program at the London Business School.
With a career spanning more than 20 years, closely linked to the forestry industry and renewable energies, he previously held the roles of Executive Director of New Energy Projects at the Altri Group, Director of EDP Bioeléctrica, Factory Director of the Celtejo Factory, among other functions in companies such as CPK, Caima, Raiz and Soporcel. Currently, he is the director of companies such as Profit Energy, Energia Unida, Golditábua, Paraimo Green and Centro da Biomass para a Energia, as well as a member of the Board of the Portuguese Renewable Energy Association (APREN).

Christine Fernanda Neves Duncan is Chief of Staff and Project Director at the SIDS DOCK Secretariat – the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Sustainable Energy and Climate Resilience Organisation. As Chief of Staff, Ms. Neves Duncan is tasked with providing support services needed to enable the Chair of the Executive Council and the Secretary-General to effectively perform their leadership roles. She is the Principal Adviser to the Secretary-General, assists with coordination of the work of the SIDS DOCK Work Programme, coordinates the work of the SIDS DOCK Island Women Open Network (IWON), and is responsible for the overall management of the Secretariat. Ms. Neves Duncan is recognised as one of the team members, and the only woman, who helped develop the Concept Paper for the SIDS DOCK organization in 2007. She is also credited with playing a key role in coordination of start-up activities of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE), launched in Barbados, in 2015, part of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Global Network of Sustainable Energy Centers, established with support of the Government of Austria.

In 2015, Dan worked as a marketing manager for a luxury fashion company. One evening, while watching ice caps cascade into the ocean during a re-run of "Frozen Planet", Dan suddenly realised he needed to do something to help. He quit his job the next day to join the global effort to reverse the climate crisis.
While researching climate solutions, Dan came across Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, or OTEC. It had the potential to provide affordable, clean energy to the Small Island Developing States that urgently need it. But developers had been distracted by huge, mega-scale OTEC systems. This inspired Dan’s vision to start small and reduce tropical island nations’ reliance on fossil fuels through OTEC. Using his experience in building exceptional teams, he assembled world-class OTEC and offshore engineering professionals and launched Global OTEC in 2017. He’s been the main driver of the company’s development, forged partnerships with intergovernmental organisations, speaks regularly at UN events as an ocean energy authority and has already secured over £700,000 through grants and angel investments.

Carlos Freitas has worked and has been in the energy sector for over 30 years.
He has worked at EFACEC since 1982, where he led the Engineering / Energy Unit (Substations, Water and Renewables), before moving to Business Development for the Africa Region, which he currently accumulates with the role of Country Manager at Efacec Angola & Mozambique. Also has a lot of accumulated business experience across multiple geographies but with a focus on Africa.
He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, and an MBA in International Management from Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Mr. Massaro has over thirty years of deep experience in Project Management, Finance and Operations in diverse set of global world-class organizations and businesses, and most recently 10 years of global management consulting and renewable energy project development with specific experience and expertise in Sub-Saharan Africa within countries such as Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Sao Tome & Principe, Central African Republic, Benin, Ghana and Democratic Republic of The Congo.
As one of the founders of MAECI, Chris has formed very successful project partnerships, both as lead firm and as sub-consultant, with government ministries and departments, universities and colleges, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies more specifically in developing and emerging countries and completed projects totaling in excess of $2 billion. In addition, Mr. Massaro is the relationship contact with United States Government agencies such as Power Africa, USAID, USTDA, Ex-Im Bank and OPIC.
With senior executive experience including, mergers and acquisitions, capital markets/treasury, strategy, human capital solutions, business development, financial planning and analysis and controlling. 25 years of experience in investment banking, and business operations.
Prior to his position with MAECI, Mr. Massaro was a partner in The PM Capital Group, CEO and Managing Partner of The Source.
Prior to forming The Source, Mr. Massaro served as President of CJM Strategies, a private middle market investment banking firm, was a Vice President with Gottesman Company, the largest middle market investment banking firm in the U.S. and spent over 15 years as an owner and Executive Vice President of Vilotti-Puratos, a $25 million food manufacturing and distribution company. He serves as Vice President of The Living Through Cancer Foundation and serves on the executive board for the Radnor Educational Foundation. Chris holds a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from Villanova University.

He studied Mechanical Engineering – Thermal Specialty, at the University of Matanzas. Subsequently, he majored in Wind Turbine Technology and Applications at the Wind Energy Technology Center of India, and in Alternative Power Generation Technology for Low Carbon Society at the KitaKyushu International Technology Cooperation Association of Japan.
He was a consultant for the Directorate General of Energy of Cape Verde for two years, providing technical assistance in the context of promoting energy efficiency. For more than three years he has held the roles of Coordinator of the Research, Development and Services Unit and Coordinator of the Training Unit of the Cape Verde Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance Center.
From 2017 to 2019, he was Project Coordinator “The Greener Hotels” of the International NGO, The Travel Foundation, implemented in the islands of Sal and Boa Vista, winner of the award: “Energy Globe – National Award 2019”. From 2015 to 2017, he was a member of the Technical Committee of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Sector Entrepreneurship Support project, and was the CERMI Focal Point for the ECOWAS solar thermal project “Soltrain West Africa”.
He is currently the Manager of the Covenant of Mayors Project for Sub-Saharan Africa, Phase III, at Praia City Council, with the aim of increasing access to sustainable energy for the urban and semi-urban population and implementing local actions to combat climate change and its consequences. impacts.

Roger Mukala is an Electrical Automation and Control Engineer and technical assistant at HET Service. He has developed several works related to renewable energy and residential security.

Jérôme Deghilage is in charge of business development for Rutten New Energy Systems, an innovative Belgian SME active in the field of renewable energy and energy storage. Jérôme worked many years for the Spanish solar industry where he had the opportunity to contribute to several electrification projects in Africa and large PV projects around the world. He has a specific interest in the challenges facing Small Island Developing States. Mr. Deghilage holds a degree in rural engineering and a MSc in renewable energy systems technology from Loughborough University (UK).

Has a degree in Naval Engineering, in Cuba since 1984, with specialization in Cold and Industrial and Automated Electricity. Postgraduate in Maritime Law and graduated in Port Management and Professor of "Magistério". He worked as chief engineer on board long-haul vessels for ten years, was Technical Director of ENAPORT for twelve years. In addition, he was the owner and manager of the electricity and refrigeration company-Gelmefrio S.A and President of the ATEFER & Energetic Efficiency Association.

Electrical engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (Brazil) and Post-Graduated in Power Electronics from the Viegas de Almeida University-UVA (BRAZIL).
In Brazil, he worked at the Electric Energy Research Center (CEPEL) and at the electricity distribution company in Rio de Janeiro-Light.
He is currently an employee of the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Energy DGRNE/DE and technical assistant of the Project for the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency in São Tomé and Príncipe.

Master in Environmental Education from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal. Specialist in Social and Pedagogical Psychology from the Faculty of Social Psychology of the Open State Pedagogical University of Moscow, he was also a professor of Social Disciplines in Education, with knowledge of Hebrew. From 1988 to 1993, he studied at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Friendship of Peoples in the field of Production and maintenance of combustion engines. In 2005 he became a member of the Scientific and Technical Commission for Climate Change, and in 2008 he became a member of the team of consultants for the Greenhouse Gas Inventory. In 2010 he became a member of the State Heritage Inventory Commission and in 2011 he was appointed High Authority of Appeal and in 2020 he served as NDC Consultant for the Transport area. He currently serves as Executive Director of the Instituto Nacional de Transportes Terrestres.

Angel Fernandes de Boa Esperança, graduated in Energy Engineering at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony in Brazil in 2018. Collaborator in the General Directorate of Natural Resources from November 2019 until today, he was President of the Rotaract Clube de São Tomé and Príncipe from June 30, 2021 to July 1, 2022. He was a member of the working group on the development of the Technological Needs Assessment (TNA) for São Tomé and Príncipe. Founding member of the company Soluções Energéticas Santomenses (SES), a company that started providing technical assistance and advice in the energy sector in early April 2021 until today. He has been working on the Implementation of the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and labeling at the country level, which is a consultancy that has been in progress since December 2021, he has also worked on the implementation of the Plant Biomass Enhancement and Efficiency Project. Energética launched in March 2022 and which is still ongoing.

Graduated in electrical engineering in Brazil from the Federal University of Goiás-UFG. Still in Brazil, he worked for the companies of Industrial Automation and Distribution and Commercialization of electric energy.
Employee of the Water and Electricity company-EMAE since 2011 in some area like Staff and currently as Director of Energy, Directorate General of Resources of the Ministry of infrastructure, Natural Resources and Environment since July 2018.
One of the members of teams of the elaboration of Report of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of Sao Tomé and Principe.
Sao Tome and Principe Energy Efficiency focal Pointe for AFREC.

Born in São Tomé, on August 8, 1978, she grew up there and attended primary and secondary education. Continuing her academic training, she left for Portugal in 1996 where she completed her studies, and joined the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, in the course of Economics. After completing her Degree in Economics, she returned to her homeland in February 2004, having later started working at the National Institute of Statistics, as a technician for National Accounts.
In January 2005, she was recruited by the British NGO International Alert as Project Coordinator, a role she held until September 2010, having contributed to promoting democracy, good governance and transparency in the management of natural and petroleum resources, through the training of parliamentarians, local NGOs and the media. She also supported the installation of the first community radio stations in São Tomé.
Between 2010 and 2011 she returns to Coimbra, Portugal to do her Masters in Economics, specializing in Financial Economics. Returning to São Tomé at the end of 2011, after completing her Master's, she was called to serve as Advisor to the Minister of Finance for Financial Affairs, a position she held until the first quarter of 2013. Between 2013 and 2017, she performed the functions of Coordinator of the Support Project for Economic and Financial Management (PAGEF), financed by ADB, whose focus was related to the improvement of public finance management, the business environment, the promotion of tourism and the training of administration agents public. In February 2017, she joined the African Development Bank, where she has since held the role of Operations Coordinator – responsible for monitoring the ADB portfolio in São Tomé and Príncipe, and contributing to the Bank’s effort to support the Santomean economy and to improve the quality of life of their populations.

Has a degree in Biology and a specialization in Fish Technology. In 1987 took over the Directorate of Fisheries of São Tomé and Príncipe. During this 5-year experience, he negotiated the end of the experimental fisheries agreement with the former Soviet Union, implement the 2nd Phase of the Artisanal Fisheries Project with Japan, negotiated the first fisheries agreement with the then Economic Community, negotiated the 2nd phase of the Artisanal Fishing Project with IFAD and finally coordinated the general population census in 1991. In 1988 he created the NGO “Friends of Nature”.
In 1989 began a career as a political deputy from 1990 to 1992 and then as Minister of Commerce, Industry, Tourism and Fisheries until 1994.
From 1995 to 2001 assumed the role of Administrator of the Regional Fisheries Committee of the Gulf of Guinea – Intergovernmental Organization based in Libreville-Gabon.
In 2002, took over the leadership of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. He later became Executive Director of the Free Zones Authority, a position he held until 2008, when he returned to the Government to become Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure. In 2010 he assumed the duties of President of the National Assembly. Already in 2011 he created a consulting company. As a consultant he created and installed a fishing company in Luanda, later on becoming one of this companies’ owners.
At the end of 2012 was appointed Liason Officer of the Autoridade de Zona Conjunta/S.Nigeria and Principe and became the head of the national institution in the territory in 2014.
Until September 2021, returned to the private sector until being appointed Director of the Trade and Investment Promotion Agency-APCI, a position in which he is invested until this moment.

Fausto Policarpo Abreu das Neves, is the Focal Point of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). He works in the Planning Directorate and followed the process that allowed the strategic relationship with the Fund.

Has a master's in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, specializing in renewable energies.
He has more than ten years of experience in the renewable energy sector in Cape Verde.
Main functions performed: Consultant in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency. University professor since 2011, collaborating at the University of Cape Verde and Jean Piaget. He is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center for Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance (CERMI) and of the Cape Verde Competence Center (CdC 3C).

Eng. Edson Mendes is the General Director of the Cape Verde Competence Center - CDC 3C - and has a Master's Degree in Energy and Environment from the School of Technology and Management of Leiria, in Portugal. He is an expert in renewable energy and energy efficiency with extensive experience in project planning and management, in energy sector policy and regulation, including energy efficiency in the building and electrical equipment sectors. In addition, he leads the development of pedagogical engineering that allows CDC 3C to offer and manage capacity building projects for national and international institutions, and the implementation of training measures adapted to the needs of companies.

With a PhD in Nuclear Safety Engineering, she has 22 years of experience as a researcher. She currently directs the Knowledge Management Division of CIEMAT.

His more than 25 years of research focus on the connection between experimental atmospheric turbulence and the reduction of uncertainties related to the implementation of wind farms, and the consequences on the financial viability of large renewable investments. In 1996, he took the position of Adjunct Professor at IPB where he started to support applied research in renewable energies and energy efficiency, being promoted to Professor in 2000 and Coordinator Professor in 2008, being Director of the Master's Course in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency of the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, while maintaining regular research projects with the industry. He has been a member of several European Research projects such as the New European Wind Atlas and maintaining regular cooperation with the Danish Technical University-DTU Wind and the National Center for Atmospheric Research – NCAR, in the United States. Professor Frölén Ribeiro was also the European Union's Independent Expert on Energy and Innovation. He was the coordinator of the Energy Project Training Program, promoted by the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Energy, financed by the GEF through the United Nations Development Program, in São Tomé and Príncipe, between January and April 2022.

Andrea Eras Almeida is an International Consultant at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, where she leads initiatives in Central and East Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Pacific Islands. Andrea holds a PhD in Photovoltaic Solar Energy and a master’s degree in Renewable Energy and Environment from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, a master’s degree in Economic Development and Public Policies from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and an Electrical Engineering degree from Universidad de Cuenca. She has over 12 years of working experience in the energy sector that involves government advocacy, research, academia, consultancy, humanitarian aid, and international cooperation with UN agencies and multilateral organizations. She is an expert on gender, energy planning, and hybrid power systems.

Environmental Engineer, with a master's degree in Environmental Management and Systems, having worked as a scientific researcher and as an environmental and social impact consultant in renewable energy projects.
He is a project manager at ALER and responsible for the development and promotion of renewable energy initiatives in Portuguese-speaking African countries, specifically in São Tomé and Príncipe, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau.

The UNIDO expert manages a broad range of sustainable energy projects in LDCs and SIDS and is coordinating the expansion of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers Program. For several years he worked as technical UNIDO expert in Praia, Cape Verde, to assist the ECOWAS Commission in the establishment of the ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and its flag-ship programs. From 2004 to 2010, was in charge of the energy program at the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and worked on international energy policy issues at the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and for the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE). Also worked as a lecturer on European Integration and EU-Enlargement issues and media consultant. Has a master's degree in Renewable Energy Technologies of the Vienna University of Technology and in Political Science from the University of Innsbruck.