Webinar 'National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Action Plans for São Tomé and Príncipe'

Environmental Engineer, with a master's degree in Environmental Management and Systems, having worked as a scientific researcher and as an environmental and social impact consultant in renewable energy projects.
He is a project manager at ALER and responsible for the development and promotion of renewable energy initiatives in Portuguese-speaking African countries, specifically in São Tomé and Príncipe, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau.

Graduated in Electrotechnical Engineering at the Superior School of Technology and Management of Viseu. Began his professional career at the water and electricity supply concessionaire (EMAE) in 2013. After a few years of service as Head of Electrical Maintenance and Operation, was appointed to the then largest power plant in the country, for the position of Manager of the Power Plant Termica de Santo Amaro until 2019. That year he embraced a new challenge in the Delegate (General Responsible) of EMAE in the Autonomous Region of Príncipe. In October 2019, became senior engineer at the General Regulatory Authority (AGER), where currently serves as Head of the Technical Regulation Department for Electricity Matters. In this regulatory authority, he is responsible for the technical supervision of the activity of the energy service concessionaire, planning and coordinating inspection actions, advising on the drafting and review of laws and regulations. He is also an advisor to the Board of Directors on matters related to the energy sector.

Electrical engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (Brazil) and Post-Graduated in Power Electronics from the Viegas de Almeida University-UVA (BRAZIL).
In Brazil, he worked at the Electric Energy Research Center (CEPEL) and at the electricity distribution company in Rio de Janeiro-Light.
He is currently an employee of the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Energy DGRNE/DE and technical assistant of the Project renewable energy and energy efficiency promotion in São Tomé and Príncipe.

The UNIDO expert manages a broad range of sustainable energy projects in LDCs and SIDS and is coordinating the expansion of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers Program. For several years he worked as technical UNIDO expert in Praia, Cape Verde, to assist the ECOWAS Commission in the establishment of the ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and its flag-ship programs. From 2004 to 2010, was in charge of the energy program at the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and worked on international energy policy issues at the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and for the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE). Also worked as a lecturer on European Integration and EU-Enlargement issues and media consultant. Has a master's degree in Renewable Energy Technologies of the Vienna University of Technology and in Political Science from the University of Innsbruck.