Sustainable Energy to accelerate green recovery in São Tomé and Príncipe post-COVID 19

Technical Engineer in Electrotechnics (Technology School - Étienne Mimard - France); Degree in the field of Energy Demand and Renewable Energies (University of Angers City - France); Master degree in Urban and Industrial Ecological Engineering and Sustainable Development (University of Angers City - France).
Employee of the Ministry of Public Works, Infrastructures, Natural Resources and Environment - MOPIRNA, assigned to the Electricity Division of the Public Water and Electric Energy Company - EMAE as an electrical technician since 2009, he was Director of Energy of the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Energy - DGRNE.
Currently, Neto is the coordinator of the Project "Promotion of hydroelectric energy in a sustainable and resilient to the climate through an approach that integrates land and forest management", financed by GEF-UNDP and implemented by the Directorate General of Natural Resources and Energy.

Engº Eletromecânico, Instituto Politécnico de Odessa, Ex URSS, junho de 1985
Conselheiro Técnico para o sector Electrico na AFAP – Agência Fiduciária de Administração de Projectos com financiamento do Banco Mundial e Banco Europeu de Investimentos. O Projecto tem como objectivo a recuperação do sector Electrico, isto é melhorar a gestão do sector, aumentar a participação de energias renováveis.
Foi responsável para sector elétrico da EMAE – Empresa de Água e Electricidade nos anos 90. Responsável de obras de eletrificação durante dois anos na República de Guiné Equatorial
Prestou diversos serviços de consultoria para PNUD, BAD, CEEAC, na elaboração de diversos estudos sobre energia e gases de efeito estufa para S.Tomé e Principe.

Graduated in electrical engineering in Brazil from the Federal University of Goiás-UFG. Still in Brazil, he worked for the companies of Industrial Automation and Distribution and Commercialization of electric energy.
Employee of the Water and Electricity company-EMAE since 2011 in some area like Staff and currently as Director of Energy, Directorate General of Resources of the Ministry of infrastructure, Natural Resources and Environment since July 2018.
One of the members of teams of the elaboration of Report of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of Sao Tomé and Principe.
Sao Tome and Principe Energy Efficiency focal Pointe for AFREC.

Guilherme, is currently the international Relations Director of A2E- Access to Energy, at EDP Renováveis S.A.
Representing EDPR he is also:Vice-President of the Board of ALER, Vice-President of the Board of ARE- Alliance for Rural Electrification; Member of SEforALL CEMGP- Clean Energy MiniGrids Partnership; Chair of the A2E Network of Experts at Eurelectric.
Prior to Join EDP Group in 2007, as the Social Innovation Director of EDP Foundation, Guilherme successfully ran for more than two decades his own business in competitive, dynamic first line sectors, also heading various business associations in Portugal and abroad.
In 2017 Guilherme, was appointed Ambassador for SGD 7 by the UN Global Compact – Network Portugal
Guilherme holds a Master Degree in Entrepreneurial Sustainability Business and Environment; Post- Graduate in International Economy - European High Studies Diploma (University of Nancy- France); Business Management Degree (University of Lisbon).

Conselheiro de embaixada, em 21 de junho de 2006; na Estrutura de Missão para a Presidência Portuguesa do Conselho da União Europeia, como Diretor das Instalações Permanentes, em 10 de outubro de 2006; Diretor de Serviços da Politica Externa e Segurança Comum e Correspondente Europeu, na Direção-Geral de Politica Externa, em 1 de maio de 2007;Consul-Geral em Barcelona, em 24 de março de 2011; ministro plenipotenciário de 2ª classe, em 27 de dezembro de 2012; na Embaixada em Bogotá, com credenciais de Embaixador, em 11 de abril de 2013; acreditado , simultaneamente, como Embaixador não-residente de Portugal na República do Equador, na República da Costa Rica; ministro plenipotenciário de 1ª classe, em 27 de dezembro de 2015; na Embaixada em Buenos Aires, com credenciais de Embaixador, em 28 de dezembro de 2017; acreditado, simultaneamente, como Embaixador não-residente na República do Paraguai; nomeado Presidente do Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P. por despacho do Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, com efeitos a 1 de novembro de 2020.

30 anos de experiência em gestão de projetos em instalações de biomassa, biogás e resíduos, e em instalações de purificação de energia e ar e água. 15 anos de experiência em projetos de energia verde. 15 anos de experiência em sistemas de informação e automação. Colaboração em vários projetos de Resíduos para Energia em vários Países Europeus. Contribuição para a otimização dos sistemas de tratamento de resíduos da empresa WT ENERGY, S.p.a. na Itália, com algumas de suas patentes e tecnologia VLE; Valores-limite de emissão.

Electrical Engineer, Master in Law and Energy Business, Master in Renewable Energy. Articles for the printed newspaper “O SEMANÁRIO 2009 - 2010 Theme on Renewable Energy in São Tomé and Príncipe”; National energy consultant, Speaker on the topic of renewable energy and Energy Efficiency; He recommended the 1st national Lecture on the themes “LIBERALIZATION OF THE NATIONAL ENERGY SECTOR and RENEWABLE ENERGIES” 2009; Thesis advisor / instructor for students at the Instituto Superior Politécnico de STP ISP, current University of São Tomé and Príncipe USTP, Themes, National Energy System and PV Solar Energy

The UNIDO expert manages a broad range of sustainable energy projects in LDCs and SIDS and is coordinating the expansion of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers Program. For several years he worked as technical UNIDO expert in Praia, Cape Verde, to assist the ECOWAS Commission in the establishment of the ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and its flag-ship programs. From 2004 to 2010, the expert was in charge of the energy program at the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and worked on international energy policy issues at the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and for the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE). Before he was expert and lecturer on European Integration and EU-Enlargement issues and media consultant. Mr. Lugmayr holds a MSc in Renewable Energy Technologies of the Vienna University of Technology and a MA in Political Science of the University of Innsbruck.

Susana Pinto has a degree in Environmental Engineering and a Master in Renewable Energies and Energy Management with a Dissertation on ‘Recommendations for the creation of energy efficient communities’. Her career started in the environmental area where she has worked in multiple scenarios such as Siemens Magnet Technology, Biovegetal (biodiesel factory) and AMI (International Medical Assistance).
With a wide experience, she has worked in renewable energies as an Independent Expert, acting as Evaluator on the 7th Framework Program Cooperation: Energy 2012-2, Photovoltaics Panel, for the Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commission. She was also part of the Energy and Climate Change Group at Quercus, National Association For Nature Conservation, where she worked on national and international projects in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energies and public awareness, including other activities such as policy, advocacy, organization of events and participation in conferences and seminars.

Teo Gomez is currently the International Business Development at Incemet Renewable Energy and is responsible for coordinating different projects in Africa and Eastern Europe.
For 20 years he was an officer in the Spanish Navy and a successful manager of his own real estate companies in Spain and Romania.
After the 2008 crisis, he had the opportunity to start working in the area of Renewable Energies and now since 2019 he is responsible for the coordination and development of projects that INCEMET Renewable Energies has in Eastern Europe and Africa.