Webinar 'The new regulation for energy access in off-grid areas in Mozambique'
The new regulation for energy access in off-grid areas in Mozambique
11:00 | Opening Session
Marcelina Mataveia - National Energy Directorate
Isabel Faria de Almeida - EU Delegation in Mozambique
Thierry Kühn - German Embassy in Mozambique
Miquelina Menezes - ALER & AMER
11:45 | The new off-grid regulation
Telma Matavel Nkutuluma - ARENE
12:00 | FUNAE´s perspective about the private sector participation
Isália Dimene - FUNAE
12:10 | Briefing of the current off-grid energy access support programmes
Rita Marouço - ALER
12:20 | The Opportunities of the New off-grid Regulation for private sector regulation
Guilherme Daniel - Assessor jurídico da ALER & AMER
Marcus Rother - GET.invest Finance Catalyst
12:45 | Debate – Questions & Answers - All speakers and support program representatives:
Support program representatives:
Fátima Arthur -- BRILHO
Mark Hoekstra – Renewable Energy for Rural Development Phase 2 (RERD 2)
Merja Laakso – Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFA)
Steffen Beitz – Green People´s Energy for Africa: Mozambique (GPE)
Gervásio Mavengue – Energising Development (EnDev)
Ricardo Pereira – Effcient Electrification Project Sub-Saharan Africa (REACT SSA Moçambique)
13:30 | Closing
Isabel Cancela de Abreu - ALER
Moderator: Ricardo Pereira - AMER