October 29, 2024
Portuguese Cultural Center, Praia, Cape Verde

Business Mission: Cape Verde - Portugal

The Lusophone Renewable Energy Association (ALER), the National Directorate for Industry, Trade and Energy (DNICE) and the National Directorate for Planning (DNP) of Cape Verde are organizing an Energy and Climate Business Mission for October 29 in Praia, Cape Verde.


The mission has the institutional support and participation of AICEP - Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal, DGEG - Direcção Geral de Energia e Geologia de Portugal, and Cabo Verde Trade Invest.


The main objectives of this mission are

  • Present the investment opportunities in Cape Verde within the scope of the Climate and Environmental Fund, created under the debt conversion agreement with Portugal, which will finance renewable energy, water and sanitation projects in partnership with Portuguese companies;
  • Present the projects in the energy sector that are in the pipeline and/or up for tender in the coming months;
  • To highlight support for investment by Portuguese companies in Cape Verde;
  • Promote exchanges with Cape Verdean companies.

Participants will be able to learn more about investment opportunities in Cape Verde in this sector, as well as interact with the National Energy Directorates of both countries and establish contact with Cape Verdean companies.


The sector associations APREN - Associação Portuguesa de Energias Renováveis, PPA - Parceria Portuguesa para a Água and ACER - Associação Cabo-Verdiana de Energias Renováveis, are also partners in the mission, in order to publicize participation among their members.


In the morning, institutional presentations will take place at the Portuguese Cultural Center in Praia, Cape Verde, while the afternoon will be marked by visits to the sites of some iconic projects in the energy sector in Cape Verde, namely CERMIAPP and Cabeólica. See the full program here.


This business mission will take place on the sidelines of the 2nd CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar, to be held on October 30 in Praia, Cape Verde, which will bring together members of government and financiers in a debate on the energy transition in CPLP member states, with a special focus on climate funds.


Participation in the Business Mission is free of charge, but participants will have to bear their own travel and subsistence costs to/from Cape Verde.


Register here to take part in the Energy and Climate Business Mission.

Concept Note
Institutional Support
AICEP DGEG CV Trade Invest