Women Sustainable Energy Program
This Programme ran from February to July 2022 and had as its main objective the empowerment of women from São Tomé and Principe, Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau, in order to promote gender equality and equity in the development of the energy sector, in accordance with ALER’s commitment to the Gender and Energy Compact.
This initiative was developed by ALER with the support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and is part of the Project “Strategic Program for the Promotion of Investments in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector of São Tomé and Príncipe ".
The winning project, was awarded to the São Tomé and Príncipe candidate, Delícia Loloum, with a financial envelope to support its execution, in the amount of 5000$.
Access our candidates projects and watch videos of the projects by clicking on the photo of each candidate. The videos are available with English subtitles.

The Sintchã Bonco Agricultural Cooperative project aims to use solar energy to power a motor pump that will increase horticultural production, also contributing to the income of women gardeners and young people who work in the gardens along the banks of the River Geba, reducing the pollution from the use of diesel-powered pumps, enabling the supply of vegetables in the markets of the Bafatá and Gabú regions and in order to increase the diversity of vegetables in the diet of families in the Project's intervention areas.
Support this project here.

The "Pumping and irrigation system, with the use of photovoltaic solar energy and automation" project aims to dimension and automate a borehole water pumping system for water supply used for irrigation, in order to minimize the drought impacts , using a photovoltaic solar system.
Support this project here.

The "Pumping water system" (SBAR) project aims to promote agricultural production, generate employment opportunities and improve the quality of life of people who live by collecting sand in Ribeira das Pratas on Santiago Island in Cape Verde.
Support this project here.

The project "Educating to change - Renewable energies a door to the future" aims to train women and young people from the educational community of the Salesian School of Arts and Crafts of Mindelo in Cape Verde, regarding renewable energies, so that they can be self-sufficient financially and contribute to a healthier environment.
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The Sociedade Vanha, LDA project, represented by its partner and co-manager Delícia Loloum, aims to contribute to the diversification of income from a spice plantation and artisanal distillery, with the creation of a Customer Service Center powered by mini-hydro energy.
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The project "Unit for the production of ice, treatment and packaging of fish" aims to create an ice production unit using only sustainable energy. This project intends to be a viable alternative of sustenance for the women heads of families who are dedicated to the sand collection in the Municipality of Tarrafal de Santiago as a way to support the family expenses.
Support this project here.

The project "A Luz do Sol Energia Renovável" aims to guarantee access to economic and sustainable energy in the communities of Canhobe and Tame, in Guinea Bissau, guaranteeing access to public lighting.
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The "More energy, less cost" project aims to install photovoltaic systems in homes at a fixed monthly price, in order to reduce the cost of energy production, reduce non-technical losses, improve the quality of life and empower inhabitants of the districts covered by the project.
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The "Praça Viva" project aims to create a Community Cafeteria, with free internet distribution and lighting, as well as the promotion and development of various dynamic activities in Praça de Eugénio Lima: Rádio Praça; Community cinema; Table Games; Open Conversations, lectures and workshops.
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O projecto "Midjer Balente" tem como objectivo criar um container sustentado por energia solar fotovoltaica que irá permitir conservar frutas, legumes e pescado, de modo a oferecer um produto de qualidade, diminuir o desperdício e aumentar o rendimento das vendedeiras e das suas famílias. Ainda, neste local, haverá oferta de serviços como: produção e venda de gelo, carregamento de telemóveis e computadores.
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The "GEVILAR" project aims to develop a new option to make ice available for fish conservation, in the town of Vila, Tarrafal Municipality (surrounded area) of Santiago, for fishermen and fish sellers, adding value to fish and avoiding loss of quality and, consequently, loss of yield.
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The Kê de Holticultula Project consists of the installation of a cold camera, for the conservation and storage of vegetables and other agricultural products in the community of Monte Café in São Tomé and Príncipe, supported by photovoltaic solar energy.
Support this project here.