About Us


Promote renewable energies in Portuguese-speaking African countries, with the public and private sector, creating cooperation platforms with the various stakeholders and functioning as a common voice, to improve the business environment and enhance the socio-economic benefits of renewable energies.


Ensure a fair and inclusive energy transition in african lusophone countries, whereby renewable energy plays a critical role to secure universal energy access.


Activity in Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe.

Outlook Equatorial Guinea and East-Timor.

Collaboration with all countries worldwide, with emphasis in Brasil and Portugal.




+ 20 Publications National Reports & Briefings

                               Case Studies

                               Market Overviews

                               Technical and legal reviews

Collaboration with National Renewable Energy Associations
Trade Missions
Working Groups

Monitoring Institutional Delegations

Consultancy & Projects

Design and implementation of activities of cooperation projects

Small, medium and large financing contracts

International clients

Market Monitoring





+ 30 Events National & international

                     In-person & online

                    + 500 participants from + 30 countries


Support identification and contact for potential partnerships

Facilitate meetings with selected stakeholders, including at high level

+ 20 Women under the Women Sustainable Energy Programme

+ 30 Journalists

Public institutions

Who is Who

Governing Structure


Mayra Pereira
Gaia EES Consulting

Covered market:
Mozambique and Angola

Nuno Gomes

Covered market:

Joana Mendonça

Covered market:
São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde

Alsone Guambe
Millennium BIM

Covered market:

Pedro Amaral Jorge
Rita Mendes Ribeiro

Covered market:

Pedro Coutinho

Covered market:
Mozambique and Angola

General Assembly

Miquelina Menezes
Miguel Centeno Brito
FCUL – Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Rui Sá
INEGI – Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial

Supervisory Board

Pedro Eira Leitão
HIDROERG – Projectos Energéticos, Limitada
João Louro e Costa
Uria Menéndez Abogados, SLP – Sucursal em Portugal
Pedro Martins
Rosseti Engenharia


Executive Board

Executive Director
Isabel Cancela de Abreu

Isabel is an Environmental Engineer with a Postgraduate Degree in Sustainable Energy Systems from the MIT-Portugal Program. After gaining experience at the Portuguese and European renewable energy associations, she founded ALER at the end of 2014, of which she has been Executive Director since then. In addition to managing the Association, Isabel ensures ALER's public relations, interacting with funders, partners and Members and representing ALER at national and international events.

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Project Management

Financial and Administrative Manager
Afonso Mendonça

Afonso is a business manager with a master's degree in industrial management from ISEG. He has over a decade of experience managing teams and heading accounting and financial departments in the legal and solicitors' sector in Portugal. At ALER he is responsible for administrative and financial management, the preparation of the annual budget and in charge of all administrative, accounting and financial procedures.

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Planning and Partnerships Manager
Pedro Clemente

Pedro is an Environmental Engineer, with a master's degree in Environmental Management and Systems, having worked as a scientific researcher and as an environmental and social impact consultant in renewable energy projects.
He is a planning and partnerships manager at ALER and responsible for the development and promotion of renewable energy initiatives in Portuguese-speaking African countries, specifically in São Tomé and Príncipe, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau.

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Project Manager
Rita Marouço

Rita is a renewable energy advocate who studied Energy and Environmental Engineering.

At ALER, she works as a project manager, focusing on Angola and Mozambique, promoting renewable energy in Portuguese-speaking African countries and promoting gender equality in access to sustainable energy.

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Junior Project Manager
Eduarda Couto

Eduarda has a master's degree in management with a specialization in sustainability. She began her professional career at the European Commission in Brussels, where she was a trainee in the Multilateral Affairs unit of the Directorate-General for Climate Action. She is interested in climate diplomacy, sustainable development and international cooperation, and has experience in development projects in São Tomé and Príncipe. Eduarda is a junior project manager at ALER. 

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Communication and Events

Communication Manager
Joana Rodrigues

Joana has a degree in Communication and Multimedia. She was an Executive Producer and Communication Manager for three artistic companies (Dance and Theater) and was later responsible for Science and Communication Management at CIAC - Research Center for Arts and Communication, at the University of Algarve. She is currently a Communication Manager at ALER.

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AFSIA promotes solar power in the African region from large scale grid-connected projects to off-grid solar home systems, through hybrid systems including diesel and storage to solar water pumping, solar stoves or solar water heaters.

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AMER - Mozambican Renewable Energy Association is a private, non-profit entity, with legal and administrative personality, financial and patrimonial autonomy, constituted for an indefinite period.

Founded in 2017, AMER’s mission is to promote renewable energy in Mozambique and aims to play a crucial role in coordinating representation and defending the common interests of all members and serving as an essential instrument for the participation and awareness of the enhancement of renewable energy natural resources for the sustainable development of Mozambique.


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Confederação das Associações Económicas de Moçambique

The Confederation of Mozambican Economic Associations (CTA) was established on April 5, 1996, as a result of the conversion of an Associations Working Committee (CTA) created to respond to the challenges of the introduction of the Market Economy system. CTA is a non-governmental, non-partisan, economic organization whose mission is to contribute to the economic and social development of Mozambique, based on the growth of the Private Sector, promoting and protecting business opportunities and private initiatives, culture, and business associativism.



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IRENA Coallition for Action

The IRENA Coalition for Action forms a key international network to discuss industry trends, determine actions, share knowledge and exchange best practices with the vision to drive the global energy transition in line with the Sustainable Development Goal on energy. Its mission is to convene a global dialogue amongst non-governmental and governmental stakeholders to develop actions to increasing the share of renewables in the global energy mix.

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GET.invest is a European programme which supports investments in decentralised renewable energy. The programme targets private sector business and project developers, financiers and regulators to build sustainable energy markets in developing countries. Services include market information, a funding database, matchmaking events and access-to-finance advisory. The programme is supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria, and works closely with initiatives and business associations in the energy sector.

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AIPEX - Agência de Investimento Privado e Promoção das Exportações de Angola

AIPEX - Agency for Private Investment and Promotion of Exports; is a legal person governed by public law, with legal personality, administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, aimed at promoting exports, attracting private investment, registering investment proposals, institutional support and monitoring the execution of investment projects and the internationalization of Angolan companies.

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CCIP - Câmara de Comércio e Industria Portuguesa

The Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP) is a private business association with 185 years of activity that aims to support companies in their growth and be a privileged partner for the internationalization of the national economy.

Belonging to CCIP is to integrate a relevant network of contacts, national and international, that promotes networking between different organizations and places companies in direct contact with potential partners, allowing them to broaden their activity and boost B2B business. In addition, it also provides a set of communication tools that enhance the visibility of our associates in the CCIP ecosystem and more than 19,000 contacts that are part of our database.

It counts on a vast network of Associates belonging to different geographic areas of the country and to the most diverse sectors of activity, counting already with more than 1,000 members.

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African Power Platform

The African Power Platform aims to connect private and government stakeholders in Africa’s power sector. The platform helps circulate and propagate tenders, intelligence and business opportunities to its members. Developers, power producers, ministries, utilities, regulators, financiers, and other like-minded individuals can join APP to share possible solutions and ideas on how to solve Africa’s lack of electricity.

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ARE - The Alliance for Rural Electrification

ARE has been was established to attract and unite on a global basis all relevant actors providing solutions for off-grid renewable energy rural electrification in developing and emerging countries in order (1) to speak with one voice about rural electrification with renewable energies, (2) to generate financial, political and technological recommendations, (3) to educate policymakers and opinion leaders, (4) to stimulate the development of an enabling investment environment and in particular (5) to increase the deployment of clean decentralised energy technologies.

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CLUB-ER is an African association for Rural Electrification. It is also a bilingual technical network of some 43 agencies and structures in charge of Rural Electrification.

It aims to accelerate the development of access to electric power services in the rural areas of the African continent by creating the conditions and systematizing the beneficial pooling of experiences between agencies and national structures in charge of Rural electrification

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Câmara Brasil Portugal no Ceará - Comércio, Indústria e Turismo (CBP-CE)

The Brazilian Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in Ceará - Commerce, Industry and Tourism, founded in June 2001, is a civil non-profit association operating in the State of Ceara, Portugal and others Portuguese-speaking countries.

The main aim of the organization is the promotion of business among the European market, strengthening the Portuguese language role and consolidating Portugal as an European Union gateway and Ceará as one of the gateways to Brazil.

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Câmara de Comércio Industria e Serviços de Sotavento (CCISS)

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Sotavento (CCISS) is a private institution with public utility status, of which the main mission is to serve and protect the interests of its members and constructively influencing the pursuit of public policies to drive forward the business environment in Cape Verde.

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Câmara de Comércio Polónia-Portugal (PPCC)

The Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) is an independent, non-profit organization that sets out to promote the interests of its ca. 200 member companies in respect to the commercial links between businesses in Poland, Portugal and the Portuguese speaking countries.

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Centro de Energias Renováveis e Manutenção Industrial (CERMI)

CERMI, Cape Verde's Center for Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance, is a Public Business Entity that has as its Vision to be a reference center in the field of Renewable Energy and Industrial Maintenance at national level, ECOWAS and PALOP in particular in the fields of training and certification of equipment and professionals, business incubation and R&D (Research & Development).

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EAPN - Energy Access Practitioner Network

The Energy Access Practitioner Network is the United Nations Foundation’s contribution to the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy for All initiative, which aims to bring energy access to the 1.1 billion people around the world who still lack it and to help achieve United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7 of access to affordable, clean energy for all by 2030.

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Energypedia UG is a non-profit organization that runs and maintains the wiki-based platform, www.energypedia.info. Energypedia.info is an online platform for collaborative knowledge exchange on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access in the context of development cooperation. On energypedia.info, any registered users can easily create, share and modify articles on above mentioned topics. 
As of October 2016, the platform has over 3700 articles contributed by a growing community of more than 6500 registered users. Similarly, around 45,000 people visit the platform every month.

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FEDESMO - Fórum de Energias e Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Moçambique

FEDESMO - Mozambique Energy and Sustainable Development Forum is a body that aims to bring together all those who work, support or care about issues related to the production and efficient consumption of energy and the promotion of sustainable use of natural resources.

It currently has 8 organizations at national level, developing activities in the area of biomass energy, environmental education in schools, and also hosts some international initiatives such as SE4All.

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Global 100% RE

The Global 100% RE campaign is the first global initiative that advocates 100% renewable energy. This unique campaign builds on projects that are already taking place on national, regional and local levels.  The overall goal is to up the debate on renewable energy towards 100% RE as the new normal as well as establish a global network of 100% RE regions.

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The Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA)

The Global Off-Grid Lighting Association (GOGLA) acts as the industry advocate with a focus on small and medium enterprises. It is a neutral, independent, not-for-profit association created to promote lighting solutions that benefit society and businesses in developing and emerging markets. GOGLA supports industry in the market penetration of clean, quality alternative lighting systems.

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Central Africa Network for Renewables Energies (RACEN)

RACEN is dedicated to promote a widespread recourse to renewable energies, energy saving practices, energy efficiency, as well as access to renewable energy, for a development pattern prone to low greenhouse gas emissions and resilient/adaptive to climate change. 

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Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21)

REN21 is the global renewable energy policy multi-stakeholder network that connects a wide range of key actors. REN21’s goal is to facilitate knowledge exchange, policy development, and joint action towards a rapid global transition to renewable energy.

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Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL)

The Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative is a multi-stakeholder partnership between governments, the private sector, and civil society. 

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Power for All

Power for All campaign aims to promote renewable, decentralized electrification solutions as the fastest, most cost-effective and sustainable approach to universal energy access. 

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Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

Eduardo Mondlane University as a multidisciplinary institution for the training of higher-level professionals, research, extension and mastery and cultivation of human knowledge, has the honor of presenting itself to the entire University Community, its national and international partners. foreigners and society at large.

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A CEO LUSÓFONO é a plataforma de divulgação do trabalho de excelência desenvolvido por CEO's Lusófonos e Empresas da Lusofonia, através de uma publicação trimestral em papel e edição interativa no online, acessível a decisores da Lusofonia em todo o Mundo.

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CIE – Comunicação e Imprensa Especializada, Lda.

CIE – Comunicação e Imprensa Especializada, Lda., uma empresa do Grupo Publindústria, integra-se numa plataforma empresarial com cerca de 25 anos de experiência na edição de revistas especializadas direcionadas para mercados tecnológicos. A CIE é responsável pela dinamização e edição das revistas "o electricista", "robótica", "Manutenção", "renováveis magazine" e "elevare". Mais do que editores somos especialistas em Comunicação Industrial.

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Conexão Lusófona

A Conexão Lusófona é uma associação juvenil que visa congregar os  jovens lusófonos, estimulando o sentimento de pertença a uma Comunidade de língua comum, divulgando e fortalecendo a Lusofonia no Mundo.

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