3 of July 2024

1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar discusses climate finance and energy transition

The Government of São Tomé and Príncipe, which holds the acting presidency of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP), together with the Energy Thematic Committee of the CPLP Consultative Observers, coordinated by ALER and the Association of Energy Regulators of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (RELOP), held the 1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar yesterday, 2nd July. The event, which took place in the Auditorium of the CPLP headquarters in Lisbon (Portugal), was the meeting point for members of government, leaders of energy companies and financiers, in a debate on the contribution of climate finance mechanisms to accelerating the energy transition in CPLP member states.


At the seminar's opening session, Zacarias da Costa, Executive Secretary of the CPLP, highlighted the energy, environment and climate change sectors as priorities in the CPLP's strategic vision. He also mentioned that the CPLP "has the potential to position itself as a global player in diplomacy for sustainable development" and called for the development of activities by member states that "promote the exchange of knowledge and best examples, fostering inter-community cooperation".


Esterline Gonçalves Género, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of São Tomé and Príncipe to the CPLP, pointed out that the subject of energy transition towards effective environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly urgent and that individual and collective efforts are needed to find solutions.


Isabel Cancela de Abreu, ALER's Executive Director, noted that the reality of the energy sector is different in the various CPLP countries and that "they have all been working at different rates on their energy transition strategies, reflecting the challenges and opportunities at the national level". "This multiplicity of contexts and challenges results in different solutions and approaches, although with common elements that can and should be highlighted and shared," she added. Climate change is a cross-cutting issue for the Ministries responsible for the Environment, Energy and Finance and for Isabel Cancela de Abreu, "it is essential to articulate these different areas and their respective interlocutors and promote triangular cooperation".


Mainly focusing on the role of private investment, the 1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar aimed to boost cooperation and dialogue between public and private entities in CPLP countries; identify opportunities for climate finance; and discuss the regulatory framework in the energy transition projects.


After an initial reflection on the progress made at COP28 and the road to COP30, the national strategies for the energy transition of São Tomé and Príncipe, Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Portugal were shared. This was followed by a debate on the importance of the regulatory framework for attracting investment and the presentation of financing mechanisms for the energy transition. The final panel focused on private sector strategies and investments in the Portuguese-speaking countries.


"At the 1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar we had the opportunity to discuss the importance of a robust and clear regulatory framework for access to finance and attracting private investment, which is essential for the energy transition. Only with a stable and predictable regulatory environment is it possible to attract new investments in renewable energies and clean technologies, creating favorable conditions for private capital to make a significant contribution to energy sustainability and resilience," said Sandoval Feitosa, President of RELOP.


The event was marked by a high level of international participation, with representatives from the various CPLP member states taking part in different panels. Of particular note were: Pedro Manuel Afonso, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Angola's Prodel; Artur Custódio, Director of Angola's National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG); Pedro Guerreiro, Secretary of Brazil's Mission to the CPLP; Manuel Barros, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Sonangol Gás e Energias Renováveis; Rito Évora, Cape Verde's National Director for Industry, Trade and Energy; Gilson Pina, National Director of Planning at the Cape Verde Ministry of Finance; Carlos Handem, Director General of Energy at Guinea-Bissau; Jerónimo Cunha, Director General of the Directorate General for Energy and Geology of Portugal; Gabriel Makengo, Director of Energy of São Tomé and Príncipe; Iazalde Jeremias, Head of the Energy Planning Department of MIREME, in Mozambique; Francisco Sambo, Director of Planning and Cooperation of the Ministry of Land and Environment of Mozambique; Albano Manjate, Deputy National Director of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique; and Olga Utchavo Madeira, Director of Renewable Energy at Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P (EDM).


This first seminar was supported by the Luxembourg Cooperation and Development Agency (LuxDev), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and GET.transform (financed by the European Union and German Cooperation); and sponsored by ANPG, EDM, Miranda Law Firm (ALER Member) and Galp.


This event is the first of the CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar Series aimed at encouraging the exchange of experiences and good practices between CPLP countries in the field of energy transition; and to promote the public-private complementarity of financial resources in sustainable energy projects.

The second seminar, scheduled for 10th October, will take place in Praia (Cape Verde), on the sidelines of a high-level event on Climate Finance, organized by the Cape Verdean government, and will focus mainly on strategies for mobilizing climate funds for the energy transition. This will be followed by a third seminar, on 22nd November, as part of the 1st International Seminar on Carbon Credit Regulation, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), which will present advances in the regulation of national carbon markets. The fourth and last seminar in this series, to be held in March 2025 in São Tomé and Príncipe, will launch the “Lusophone Energy Transition Roadmap for COP30”, which will compile the energy transition and climate finance strategies of each CPLP country and identify points of cooperation between them.


The CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar Series also has the institutional support of the CPLP, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Natural Resources of São Tomé and Príncipe, the Ministry of Energy and Water of Angola, the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Energy of Cape Verde, the Ministry of Energy of Guinea-Bissau, the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy of Mozambique and the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Portugal.


Rewatch the seminar streaming here.

Access the speakers' presentations here and photos of the event here.