30 of April 2019

ALER will organize a Lusophone Compact Information Session

On May 27 at 4:00 p.m., ALER will organize the "Lusophone Compact and other financing instruments for renewable energy projects in PALOP", which will be held at the AICEP facilities. This event is organized in cooperation with the Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade of Portugal (AICEP), the Planning, Strategy, Evaluation and International Relations Office (GPEARI) of the Ministry of Finance and the Portuguese Society for Financing Development (SOFID).


In this session the participants will be informed about the available financing instruments for renewable energy projects in the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP), namely the Lusophone Compact and other instruments of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and SOFID.


As already announced by ALER, the Lusophone Compact was signed between the AfDB, Portugal and the PALOP in December 28, 2018 to ensure financing, risk mitigation instruments and technical support for private sector projects or public-private partnerships in PALOP in several areas, including renewable energy. The Portuguese Government provided 400 million euros guarantees from the State Budget for 2019 to allocate for projects funded by the AfDB in the countries covered by the Compact.


It is expected that the instruments disseminated will leverage new renewable energy projects in the PALOP, thereby helping to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #7 to Ensure reliable, sustainable, modern and affordable access to energy for all.


In this session  the participants will also be informed about the investment opportunities in renewable energy projects in the PALOP and the business environment in this countries.


This session was designed specifically for private sector Portuguese companies or with Portuguese capital in the ​​renewable energy sector, ideally with investment plans or projects in this area, since specific content will be presented for this type of project.


We invite everyone to participate in this session in person or by conference call, to be held on May 27 at 4:00 pm in the AICEP auditorium.


Entries are free but mandatory and subject to confirmation and limited to the maximum capacity of the auditorium (50 people).


To register please follow the link.