DGRNE has a website!
One of the main challenges in the energy sector in São Tomé and Príncipe was the scarce and little disseminated information on the energy sector. Also, there was no harmonised way of collecting and validating energy sector data. Energy data is crucial for the development of any plan and policy, analysis and reports. It is also crucial to reduce the market entry costs and investment risks of project developers and potential financiers.
To address this need, MOPIRNA/DGRNE with support from the GEF/UNIDO project, has developed a website which will include an integrated Energy Sector Database and Information System. It will improve the accessibility of key stakeholders to essential energy data and information and will:
- Centralise and validate the information on the energy sector;
- Make information available on the energy sector legal and regulatory framework as well as on the sector’s plans and strategies for the future;
- Provide investment relevant data on RE&EE projects and potentials;
- Link data through “open data” to other international and regional platforms (e.g. ECREEE, IRENA).
To develop a holistic sustainable energy vision, UNIDO is also supporting the Ministry in the development of National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Action Plans. The plans will include quantifiable and feasible overall targets and sub-targets by 2030 and 2050.
ALER will also contribute to the dissemination of information about the sustainable energy market in STP with the publication of the Renewables and Energy Efficiency in São Tomé and Príncipe - National Status Report that will be launched on November 17 at 3 pm (UTC + 1 - Portugal time) in the webinar “Sustainable Energy in São Tomé and Príncipe”.
The Directorate-General for Natural Resources and Energy (DGRNE) is the Public Administration body of São Tomé and Príncipe under MOPIRNA whose mission is to contribute to the design, promotion and evaluation of strategic policies on water, energy and geological resources, with a view to sustainable development.
Check the new website here.