ECREEE and IRENA join forces to promote clean energy mini-grids in the ECOWAS region
ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), in collaboration with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), have started a clean energy mini-grids capacity needs assessment in West Africa, as a first step towards the expansion of a joint capacity building support to ECOWAS member states.
The first activity of this new phase will be to undertake the scoping of capacity needs for deployment of clean energy mini grids in the ECOWAS region and provide a regional action plan for building capacities and skill sets. The study will build on and complement the existing general work conducted for the assessment of capacity and training needs as well as capacity building activities for renewable energy and energy efficiency in West Africa. This will require engaging with key private and public stakeholders from different sectors in all the ECOWAS countries including operational mini grid sites in these countries.
The scoping study will be compiled by the end of the year and validated in a multi-stakeholders regional workshop involving ECOWAS member states.