29 of January 2021

Electrifying Economies: the new interactive platform on sustainable energy impacts

Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), Rocky Mountain Institute and Rockefeller Foundation have launched the Electrifying Economies initiative, an interactive website that takes users on a journey through the social and economic importance of universal electrification.


Electrifying Economies demonstrates the role distributed energy will play in ending energy poverty and catalysing a green and equitable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. It draws on the latest data and research from around the world to show how distributed renewables can provide sustainable, affordable, and reliable power for all. The project provides information to support policymakers and investors in taking action today, to realize this potential. The site includes striking data visualizations of the economic impacts of distributed energy access, case studies from around the world showcasing successful electrification initiatives, and roadmaps for establishing effective policy and regulatory frameworks, among many other resources.


Learn more about the platform here.


Source and Imagem © SEforALL