Energy Africa Mozambique Compact
Dear Readers
I am pleased to communicate to ALER members that Energy Africa Mozambique Compact is complete and it is expected to be signed by the Government of Mozambique and its supporters including development partners during the upcoming ALER conference on 25-26 October 2017 in Maputo.
The Compact is a result of the Partnership Agreement signed between the Governments of Mozambique and United Kingdom in February 2016, which obliges both countries to act as champions to ensure energy universal access by 2030 in Mozambique. The Compact seeks to strengthen the policy environment and market conditions for the private sector to accelerate the development of household solar in the country.
The Compact is not legally binding document and demonstrates the willingness of working together to move the household solar sector. Any participation in, or endorsement of this Compact by any supporters does not create any current or future commitments or obligations (legal, financial or otherwise).
The focus of the Compact is on domestic use of solar systems. It includes portable solar systems and fixed solar home systems with roof-mounted solar panels and fixed lighting, used as isolated unit for domestic purposes. The Compact identifies key policy areas and actions, potential for coordinated donor support, and shows expected results and an implementation plan. The priority policy areas are: (i) Policy Framework; (ii) Supply Chain Financing; (iii) Fiscal and Import Regulation; (iv) Quality Standards; (v) Mobile Payment Mechanisms, and (vi) Awareness Raising.
I am looking forward to the engage and collaborate with ALER, AMER and its members in this endeavour!
Best regards,
Sérgio Dista
Private Sector Development Adviser
DFID Mozambique