Energy for all increases rural villages productivity
Power for All, partner of ALER, has published new documents about the importance of energy in rural population’s lives.
2 billion small farmers are among the world's poorest populations. Better access to clean energy has the capacity to transform agriculture and accelerate economic development, but financial, operational, technical and political barriers need to be overcome. To learn more about how energy has the potential to unlock agriculture’s substantial potential to drive development Read the article here.
Likewise, the latest Power for All video examines the potential of decentralized renewable energies such as mini-grids to unlock agricultural productivity and employment in sub-Saharan Africa and developing Asia. Watch the video here.
In sub-Saharan Africa, a huge population lives “under the grid” –this means that they are within a national distribution company’s (DisCo) territory but are not connected to or are not properly served by the grid. A new report by Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) explores the opportunity for mini-grids to reach these “under-grid” customers based on research in Nigeria.Read the key findings here.
Source © Power for ALL
Image © Practical Action