29 of September 2023

Mozambique's first solar power plant with energy storage system officially inaugurated

The first solar power plant with an energy storage system in Mozambique was officially inaugurated on 14 September. Located in the province of Cuamba, Niassa district, the Tetereane Power Plant combines a photovoltaic solar energy capacity of 19 MWp with energy storage in 7 MWh batteries.


This storage system, with a capacity of six hours, ensures a continuous supply of energy during the periods in which the solar panels are not capturing energy.


The pioneering Independent Power Producers (IPP) project is the result of collaboration between Globeleq, an independent power generation company in Africa, and ALER members Source Energia and Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM).


The infrastructure, valued at 36 million dollars, is in line with the government's "Energy for All" strategy, which aims to achieve universal access to energy by 2030. The new Cuamba Power Station will benefit 18,000 households and will also play a vital role in supporting the creation of local jobs.


During the inauguration ceremony, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, encouraged the population and agricultural agents to take advantage of the energy capacities to boost the local economy through commercial exploitation.


During the event "Renewables for Industry and Agriculture in Mozambique", held on November 17 2022, Pedro Pereira Coutinho, CEO of Source Energia, and Cândida Macurra, Project Manager, shared details about the Cuamba Power Plant project. The presentation is available for consultation here.