21 of December 2018

RISE 2018 Report

The RISE (Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy) is a report that presents a set of regulatory indicators to help compare national policies and regulatory frameworks in the Energy sector. It is a global picture with indicators organized by the three pillars of Energy Sustainability: Access to Energy, Sustainable Energy and Renewable Energy. The results can be presented in various ways through the RISE website, by country, by indicator, by area, etc.

It is a tool that allows Governments to measure their country's global performance and compare results in order to accelerate efforts to achieve ODS7 (Sustainable Development Goal 7 - Accessible and Clean Energy).


In relation to the countries of the CPLP (Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries), RISE only includes Brazil, Angola and Mozambique. Compared to RISE 2017, we can see that in general there are several changes in the values ​​of the three countries, not all in a positive way. Brazil remains the only country with 100% of Access to Energy and Angola managed to increase its rate by 3%, contrary to Mozambique, which dropped by 14%. Regarding Energy Efficiency, Brazil and Angola had a rise in their score, while Mozambique remained at the same level as last year.

In the Renewable Energy indicator, there was once again a drop in Angola of about 6% and the other countries were able to increase their percentages, in 23% and 6% respectively.


By analyzing Energy Access indicator in detail, Brazil maintains its 100% score on all sub-indicators, and this year alone, since both Angola and Mozambique have seen a decrease, by 1% and 28% respectively, in the Consumer Capacity to Pay Electricity (which last year were 100%). There was a steep decline in Utility Credibility in Mozambique and Angola maintained its zero score. Angola remains ahead of Mozambique in all indicators except for Utility Transparency, which despite having dropped its score from last year, is still higher.


Brazil is once again at the forefront, with the highest scores, except for Price and Carbon Monitoring, where the 3 countries have a minimum score. Regarding the Regulatory Framework, Mozambique managed to reach the maximum score, and Angola presents a very positive result with a rise of 50% compared to last year.


For detailed information, see RISE 2018 here and the 2017 data here.


Source © RISE 2018