28 of June 2016

The third phase of EnDev Mozambique has just been approved

The Energising Development (EnDev) programme is a multi-donor partnership, currently financed and governed by the governments of the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Australia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden.

EnDev promotes sustainable access to modern energy services for households, social institutions and small to medium-sized enterprises in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The supported energy services meet the needs of the poor, i.e. they are long lasting, affordable, and appreciated by users.

Currently, EnDev works in 26 developing countries, including Mozambique, while 59% of the funds are targeted at least developed countries. EnDev Mozambique is involved in grid densification, pico and micro hydro power plants (PHP and MHP, respectively), small PV systems and improved cookstoves.

The coordination of EnDev is under GIZ, the German Agency for International Cooperation. The programme was divided into EnDev 1 (in force from 04/2006 to 09/2009) and EnDev 2 (in force from 10/2009 to 06/2016).

ALER has been informed that funding for a third phase of EnDev has just been approved, to run between July 2016 and March 2018. This means that EnDev will keep on running in Mozambique and that the upscale of activities will start soon.

These are very good news for Mozambique renewable energy sector, as EnDev has been one of the most important and effective programmes in place in the country. In May 2015 its impacts were accounted as follows:

  • Access to electricity: 160,000 people
  • Access to modern cooking energy: 271,000 people
  • Access to modern energy services: 9 social institutions and 51 SMEs

For more detailed information on these and other activities for the promotion of renewable energy in Mozambique check ALER's national status report.