The Workshop is almost there!
Already on the 4th of May, between 2 and 6 pm, the Guinea Bissau Sustainable Energy Investment Workshop will take place at EDP Headquarters, in Lisbon.
Included in the 2018 SEforALL Forum, this is an event organised by ALER, in partnership with UNIDO, ECREEE and the Ministry of Energy and Industry in Guinea Bissau, supported by GEF.
The objective of this side-event is to update national, regional and international companies, project developers, financiers and investors attending the SEforALL Forum on the sustainable energy market opportunities in Guinea Bissau. Participants will be informed about the strong vision of the Government of Guinea Bissau to attain universal access to modern, reliable and affordable energy services by 2030. The status of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the country, national strategies and plans and, most importantly, specific investment opportunities in energy projects.
Registrations are still open, but almost reaching the maximum number of participants. Therefore, if you want to participate in this workshop you should register as soon as possible.
Participation in the workshop is free but registration is mandatory. Register now!