

Energy and Climate in the CPLP Magazine

Dedicated to the 1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar, the first edition of “Energy and Climate in the CPLP” brings together different articles on climate finance mechanisms for accelerating the energy transition in CPLP Member States.

PV System of the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Energy in São Tomé

The General Directorate of Natural Resources and Energy of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Natural Resources installed a photovoltaic system in March 2021, funded by the United Nations Development Programme and by the Global Environment Facility.

PV System of the Messias Alves Beach Fishermen and Palaiês Association, São Tomé and Príncipe

The Fishermen and Palaiês Association of Messias Alves beach, in the district of Cantagalo, was implemented a Photovoltaic Solar System in July 2020, with the support of the Directorate General for Fisheries and financed by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency.

São Tomé and Príncipe Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Status Report

ALER with the support of Instituto Camões and UNIDO published on November 2020 the renewable energy status report of São Tomé and Príncipe.


Market Overview

These market overviews aim to provide a brief overview of the renewable energy sector in the PALOP countries and list the main existing or planned programs and projects. They work as a summary of ALER's reports and priviledged information that ALER has access.


20 of January 2025
Evolution of electricity tariffs in São Tomé and Príncipe, Cape Verde and Angola

Electricity tariffs rise in São Tomé and Príncipe, decrease in Cape Verde and are among the lowest in Angola.

21 of November 2024
“São Tomé and Príncipe has been promoting an ambitious agenda for cooperation in the energy sector within the CPLP”

São Tomé and Príncipe, as part of its presidency of the CPLP, has been promoting an ambitious agenda for cooperation in the energy sector within the CPLP, following up on the theme of the São Tomé Presidency, “Youth and Sustainability in the CPLP”, and taking into account the Declaration of the Presidency of the CPLP, which called for the need to encourage deeper cooperation in the youth, energy and sustainability sectors in our community area.

26 of June 2024
DGRNE promotes webinar on the framework for low-emission transport and electric mobility roadmap

On 19th June 2024, the DGRNE held a webinar on "Developing regulations and compliance framework for low-emission transport and an electric mobility roadmap for São Tomé and Príncipe". 

12 of June 2024
Energy transition: Vision 2030

The member states of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) have been progressing at different rates in the development and implementation of their energy transition strategies. The multiple contexts and challenges have led to different solutions and approaches to a common struggle: decarbonizing economies more quickly and meeting climate objectives.  

7 of June 2024
Find out the latest market updates for Portuguese-speaking African countries with the ALER Market Outlook 2024

The latest editions of ALER's Market Sheets, now known as ALER Market Outlook, were launched on 27th and 28th May,during the ALER Market Outlook 2024 event. To provide a brief overview of the renewable energy sector in Portuguese-speaking African countries, the ALER Market Outlook condenses all the privileged information that ALER has access to, highlighting the most recent and relevant data for each country.

5 of June 2024
CPLP Energy and Climate Seminars promote debate on climate finance for the energy transition

The Government of São Tomé and Príncipe, which holds the Presidency of the CPLP, together with the Energy Thematic Committee of the CPLP Consultative Observers, coordinated by ALER and RELOP, and with the institutional support of the CPLP, will promote an Energy and Climate Seminars Series to discuss the contribution of climate finance mechanisms to accelerating the energy transition in the CPLP Member States.

4 of June 2024
Recording of the webinar “Energizing Africa: How EU Financing the Renewable Landscape?” available online

On 4th June, ALER and GreenVenture hosted the webinar “Energizing Africa: How EU Financing is Changing the Renewable Landscape?”. The recording of the webinar and the speakers' presentations are now available online on the event page.

24 of April 2024
São Tomé and Príncipe officially joins the African Legal Support Facility

The President of the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe ratified the Agreement for the Establishment of the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF), through Presidential Decree no. 11/2024.

22 of March 2024
AfDB has a credit portfolio of 60 million dollars for São Tomé and Príncipe

The African Development Bank (AfDB) intends to help the government reform the country's entire energy system. Ensuring the financial sustainability of the state electricity company is one of the main priorities.

23 of February 2024
São Tomé and Príncipe will have new photovoltaic power station to strengthen energy stability

São Tomé and Príncipe will have a new photovoltaic power station to produce more than 10MW of energy, in a 60.7 million dollar project co-financed by the World Bank, the African Development Bank and Japan.

30 of January 2024
World Bank approves new financial programme for São Tomé and Príncipe

The international financial institution has around 30 million euros in its portfolio to finance renewable energy production projects in São Tomé and Príncipe.

30 of January 2024
ALER celebrates 1st International Day of Clean Energy

The United Nations has declared 26th January 2024 the first International Day of Clean Energy and ALER marked the date with the release of the latest data on the incorporation of clean energy in Portuguese-speaking countries.

29 of January 2024
Legislation on the energy sector available on LERenováveis

The latest legislation applicable to the energy sector is now available online at LERenováveis.

15 of January 2024
Global renewable electricity increased by 50% between 2022 and 2023

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), global renewable electricity capacity increased by 50% between 2022 and 2023, and the next five years will see the fastest growth ever. However, the lack of funding for emerging and developing economies is a problem.

19 of December 2023
Highlights of Lusophone cooperation at COP28

The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) took place between 30 November and 12 December, providing important debates and negotiations. Several co-operation agreements were signed during the COP, reflecting the global commitment to tackling climate challenges.

30 of October 2023
UN renews development cooperation program in São Tome and Príncipe

The UN and São Tome and Príncipe recently signed a new cooperation programme for the years 2023 – 2027, aiming to "build a more inclusive and equitable future for the country".

27 of September 2023
XIV CPLP Conference of Heads of State and Government approves documents and defines the agenda for the next two years

São Tomé and Príncipe took over the rotating presidency of the CPLP on August 27th, during the XIV Conference of Heads of State and Government. The documents approved for the new presidency, entitled "Youth and Sustainability in the CPLP", are now available for consultation.

1 of August 2023
São Tomé and Príncipe will host the XIV Conference of Heads of State and Government of the CPLP
28 of June 2023
The first floating platform for ocean thermal energy conversion will be developed in São Tomé and Príncipe

The first floating ocean thermal energy conversion platform will be designed in São Tomé and Príncipe. This 1.5 MW unit, called Dominique, is being developed by Global OTEC and is expected to be installed in 2025.

30 of May 2023
São Tomé and Príncipe develops plan for Climate Action transparency

In São Tomé and Príncipe, May was characterised by the three-day workshop for the capacity building of technicians from several state institutions and non-governmental organizations with the aim to prepare an action plan on transparency in Climate Action.

30 of March 2023
Lusophone Compact seeks to accelerate private renewable energy projects in PALOP countries

"Lusophone Compact (LC) operates as a framework, a gateway that is always open, for private companies to submit their projects. (...) The Compact creates a privileged space for the development of renewable energy by the private sector in the PALOP."

11 of March 2023
'Having energy access 24h per day in a safe and clean way has allowed the creation of a new touristic offer in the South of the country.'

"It was the purchase of this solar kit that allowed us to open the doors of our restaurant in December. Since then, the solar PV kit has given us enormous satisfaction and so far we have not suffered any inconvenience with the system."

6 of March 2023
Women Sustainable Energy Program: Let's power this idea!

In the week of Women's Day, ALER relaunches a Solidarity Campaign to provide energy to local communities in Sao Tome and Principe, Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau by promoting projects authored by women entrepreneurs.

31 of January 2023
ALER meets with the Minister of Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Environment of São Tomé and Príncipe

ALER met with the Minister of Infrastructures, Natural Resources and Environment of São Tomé and Príncipe who reinforced the Government's commitment to renewable energy. On February 8th join us on the webinar "Energy Efficiency, a driving force for energy transition in São Tomé and Príncipe".

31 of January 2023
World Bank report reveals new data on energy indicators by country

The 2022 World Bank Report charts the evolution of energy indicators by country and concludes that sub-Saharan Africa scored highly on electricity access policy.

13 of December 2022
UNIDO announces tender for consultancy services for project in São Tomé and Príncipe

Until January 16th, UNIDO is accepting applications for the development of a regulatory, legal and practical framework for reducing non-technical losses from the commercial network and absorbing distributed renewable energy in urban and rural contexts

28 of October 2022
Clean Energy Mini-Grid Policy Development Guide available in Portuguese

The "Clean Energy Mini-Grid Policy Development Guide", initially published and developed by UNIDO, ARE and AfDB, has now been translated into Portuguese.

27 of October 2022
São Tomé and Príncipe and Angola attended the 5th Assembly of the International Solar Alliance at New Delhi

São Tomé and Príncipe and Angola were present at the 5th Assembly of the International Solar Alliance, in New Delhi. The two countries, as ISA members, will have new opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

10 of October 2022
'We want to continue to grow together in 2023 and until the end of this term.'

"We reinforced the activities for which we are already known, positioning ourselves as an active and relevant player in the debate on the energy sector in the Portuguese-speaking countries, a networking facilitator to national/regional/international level and a source of privileged and up-to-date information, developing renewable energies growth in these countries."

3 of October 2022
UNIDO announces two vacancies for Climate and Energy sectors in São Tomé and Príncipe

UNIDO is recruiting two young professionals from São Tomé and Príncipe to work in the Climate and Energy sectors under the project “Building institutional capacity for an investment program in renewable energy and energy efficiency for São Tomé and Príncipe”.

28 of September 2022
ALER's Executive Director in an interview with Público

Isabel Cancela de Abreu, ALER’s Executive Director, gave an interview to Público newspaper in which she explained that African countries “are energy islands, they do not have the interconnections that exist in Europe and, deep down, they are used to fending for themselves”.

28 of September 2022
Signed a €400 million guarantee agreement to support the Lusophone Compact

The AfDB and the Portuguese Government signed a guarantee agreement to be granted to the African Development Bank under the Lusophone Compact, in which Portugal will provide guarantees of up to 400 million euros exclusively for projects financed by the AfDB and approved under this agreement.

27 of September 2022
São Tomé and Príncipe inaugurates the first photovoltaic power plant

In August, the first photovoltaic powerplant in São Tomé and Príncipe was installed, enabling the production of 540 kW of photovoltaic energy. After the second phase of implementation, EMAE is expected to reduce fuel consumption for electricity production by 10%.

22 of September 2022
ALER is hiring a Financial and Administrative Manager

ALER is looking for a Financial and Administrative Manager to take up their duties as soon as possible, preferably in the first half of October.

1 of August 2022
'This program made me understand the importance of energy in women's lives'

I realized that in the energy sector women are hardly represented, therefore representation goes to men. We had testimonies from some women who were able to explain how difficult it was for them to integrate in this sector. Often, due to lack of knowledge or motivation, society itself considers that the energy sector is more suitable for men.

28 of July 2022
ALER is an Association Partner for the 15th Microgrid Global Innovation Forum

The "Microgrid Global Innovation Forum" takes place from September 13th to 15th in London. Use the ALER discount code and enjoy a 20% discount on registration.

28 of July 2022
New IRENA report shows that renewable power remains cost-competitive amid fossil fuel crisis

New IRENA report, published on July 13th, shows that almost two-thirds of renewable power added in 2021 had lower costs than the cheapest coal-fired options in G20 countries.

15 of July 2022
In June ALER was present at the AEF and EAIF

In June, ALER was present at the Africa Energy Forum 2022 that took place in Brussels, Belgium, as well as at the Energy Access Investment Forum 2022 event that took place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

14 of July 2022
São Tomé and Príncipe signed an agreement to develop the first ocean energy project in the SIDS

São Tomé & Príncipe and Global OTEC signed the world's first agreement to develop a PPA for the development and deployment of an OE floating platform.

14 of July 2022
REN21 published new 2022 Global State of Renewables Report

REN21's 2022 Global Status of Renewable Energy Report states that the global transition to clean energy is not happening. “There was record growth in renewable energy, but the world missed the historic chance to recover clean energy,” the report says.

2 of June 2022
ALER Open Day & General Assembly - New Directorate of ALER

ALER organized the 4th Edition of ALER Open Day, which followed the ALER General Assembly, in which the Members elected the new members of the governing structure for the 3rd term of the Association.

2 of June 2022
World Bank insists on investment in renewable energy in Africa

Renewable energies are "a fundamental foundation for security and overall improvements in growth and living standards", says David Malpass, President of the World Bank

2 of June 2022
SEforAll Forum in Rwanda highlights

During the Forum held from 16 to 19 May in Kigali, Rwanda, initiatives amounting to more than US$347 million were presented to support energy access and transition.

31 of May 2022
Energy, Geology and Environment Fortnight in São Tomé and Príncipe

The General Directorate for Natural Resources and Energy celebrates, from May 23rd to June 5th, the Energy, Geology and Environment Fortnight

16 of May 2022
Call for applications for the Online Training Program on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Islands

Until May 23rd, registration is open for the Online Workshop Training for Trainers: Training Program on Sustainable Energy Solutions for Islands.

9 of May 2022
São Tomé and Príncipe is firm on the path towards the Energy Transition

"The last four years have been of hard work, with an important progress in the areas of regulation, planning and structuring of the action plans. From now on, the 2022-2030 period should be fulfilled with important milestones (...)"

4 of May 2022
Dialogue on ocean energy reaches São Tomé and Príncipe

Between April 9th and 15th, São Tomé and Príncipe hosted the SIDS DOCK delegation to start taking action on ocean energy, in order to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change.

3 of May 2022
The last phase of the Women Sustainable Energy Program began with Mentoring sessions

During the month of April, the Women Sustainable Energy Program ended thematic sessions and began the last phase of the project, dedicated to mentoring sessions.

3 of May 2022
Save the date: May 24th – ALER Open Day

On May 24th, ALER will hold the ALER Open Day, an opportunity to exchange contacts, share and disseminate privileged information with our partners and other members.

2 of May 2022
Renewable energies contributed on a large scale to energy production in 2021

Renewable energy continued to expand steadily and well above the long-term trend, with share in total capacity expansion reaching new record of 81% last year.

1 of April 2022
Sharing the voice of our candidates from the Women Sustainable Energy Program

In the month that marks World Women's Day, ALER gives voice to 13 inspiring women who fight for gender equality in the energy sector.

30 of March 2022
São Tomé and Príncipe promotes National Training Plan in the Energy Sector

One of the needs of São Tomé and Príncipe is to acknowledge the current challenges of the energy sector, namely the improvement of the capacities of the institutions technical staff, therefore, a training action began for the technicians from of all institutions linked to the energy sector.

10 of March 2022
Women’s History Week: Stories Retold - Conversation about Women, energy and sustainability

On March 10th at 18:30 (GMT) ALER joins HEDEN Lisbon to talk about energy, women and sustainability.

25 of February 2022
Government of São Tomé and Príncipe approved NAPRE and NAPEE

The National Renewable Energy Action Plan and the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan set goals to ensure the country's energy transition by 2030 and 2050.

25 of February 2022
Registrations are open– April 26th and 27th – Entrepreneurship Workshop and Startups of Sustainable Energy

The Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Startups in Sustainable Energy will last for two days, and will be dedicated to the planning, management and implementation of projects in Sustainable Energy.

25 of February 2022
The sessions for the Women Sustainable Energy Program have begun

The first two training sessions of the Sustainable Energy Program for Women were dedicated to social media management and personal marketing.

1 of February 2022
Applications for the Women Sustainable Energy Program has ended

Applications were available until January 31st and 26 were received from Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe.

31 of January 2022
São Tomé and Príncipe holds the first workshop on energy labeling for lighting and electrical appliances

The workshop took place last january 21th, in the auditorium of the Brazil/S.Tomé Training Center

21 of December 2021
Second Meeting of the Uk Project Steering Committee (GEF & GFC)

The meeting took place on November 23rd, organised by the national coordination of the UNIDO project, the DE-DGRNE and the UNIDO central office.

3 of November 2021
ALER participates in the COP26 side-event organized by UNIDO, ENERGIA and GWNET

UNIDO, ENERGIA and GWNET came together to hold the side-event "Improving gender equality and women's empowerment to accelerate a fair, inclusive and climate-resilient energy transition"

27 of October 2021
UNIDO collaboration made it possible to turn São Tomé and Príncipe the first beneficiary of the OTEC Program

The Government of São Tomé and Príncipe recently announced a partnership with the Global OTEC Program for the development of the country's first Floating Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion platform.

9 of October 2021
UNIDO supports the translation of the UNIDO Small Hydro Power Guidelines and Mini-Grid Toolkit into Portuguese

UNIDO supports São Tomé and Príncipe and other CPLP countries in Africa in the translation of the UNIDO Small Hydropower Guidelines and the Clean Energy Mini-Grid Policy Development Guide and Templates from English to Portuguese.

29 of September 2021
You can now consult the Energy Greenhouse Gas Report for 2010 - 2019 - São Tomé and Príncipe

The "Energy Sector Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report for the period 2010-2019" of São Tomé and Príncipe is already available, launched by the General Directorate of Natural Resources and Energy (DGRNE) with the funding of the UK Project through the GEF Fund..  

20 of August 2021
Tender: Provision of services related to development and enforcement of Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for lighting and appliances in São Tomé and Príncipe

UNIDO seeks consulting support to develop an implementation and compliance framework for electric appliances, including lighting, air conditioning and refrigeration  until 13 September.

27 of July 2021
Sao Tome and Principe: Small island state in energy transition

The Government of São Tomé and Príncipe expects to launch two national action plans in September 2021 with support from the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). 

19 of July 2021
Online Sustainable Energy Capacity Building Programme for Islands

GN-SEC and UNIDO, together with other partners, have developed a free Sustainable Energy Solutions Capacity Building Program for Islands, available online and in Portuguese.

29 of June 2021
Installation Project of a PV System at Santo Amaro Power Plant

The Government of São Tomé and Príncipe is creating mechanisms to promote necessary measures to meet national energy policies with the support of UNIDO.


Miranda & Associados - Sociedade de Advogados, SP, RL

MIRANDA & ASSOCIADOS (“Miranda”) is a full-service Portuguese law firm, head-quartered in Lisbon, Portugal. The Firm has a staff of almost 160 people, of which more than 110 are fee-earners. Over the years, the Firm has gained recognition as one of the most preeminent and internationally oriented Portuguese law firms.

Their aim is to combine the highest international standards with local expertise so they can provide a seamless assistance to the top corporations in their most important and challenging assignments, both in Portugal and overseas.

Through over almost 35 years of experience, our lawyers have developed extensive and widely recognized expertise in a large number of industries and fields of law.

MIRANDA is the founding member of the MIRANDA ALLIANCE (“Miranda Alliance”), a network of law firms and lawyers predominantly, but not exclusively, based in Portuguese-speaking countries. The Miranda Alliance currently covers 15 jurisdictions: Angola, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Macau (China), Mozambique, Portugal, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, São Tomé and Príncipe and Timor-Leste; and with a liaison office in the USA (Houston).

As a full service legal services provider, they are ranked in various categories and practice areas. Highlights include the International Law Firm of the Year at the Africa Legal Awards in 2019, and the recognition as the winner of Lusophone Africa Law Firm of the Year in the Chambers Africa Awards in the only four editions of this category - 2018, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

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Grupo MF&A - Matos, Fonseca e Associados Moçambique

MF&A Moçambique is part of the MF&A Group, which consists of MF&A Portugal, MF&A Moçambique, Ecofield, and MF&A - São Tomé and Príncipe branch. It specializes in environmental consulting and provides a comprehensive range of integrated global services. The MF&A Group has recorded over 700 completed projects across its companies.

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LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia

LNEG is a State Laboratory acting in the fields of Energy and Geology that conducts research, demonstration and knowledge transfer including technical and technological assistance and laboratory support aimed at companies.

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Rosseti Engenharia, a Luso-Brazilian company with more than 10 years of experience and in strong expansion, provides integrated services under EPC and BoP in the field of Renewable Energies, namely Solar, Wind and Water.

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Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA)

Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA), based in Barcelona, Spain, is an international consulting and engineering company that specializes in distributed generation through renewable energy sources, energy management and efficiency, rural electrification, self-generation, integration of renewables in buildings, sustainable architecture, as well as, specialized training, education and technological development related to its activities.

A pioneering company in this sector with more than 30 years of experience, TTA offers its clients a solid background in carrying out projects from their evaluation and design phases, through to implementation and subsequent monitoring and maintenance.

TTA’s execution of numerous studies and projects, in Spain as well as in more than 40 countries in Latin America, Africa, Oceania and Europe and more recently in Asia, has consolidated the company as a point of reference in rural electrification through Microgrids using Solar Generation. TTA also offers services from its regional unit in Kenya and its office in Vanuatu.

TTA’s projects demonstrate the skills, flexibility and strong technical background of its highly motivated, multidisciplinary team, as well as the company’s firm commitment to providing high quality services and solutions that are technically, socially and environmentally optimal, integrating and harmonizing the needs of its clients with those of all related parties.

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VdA – Vieira de Almeida & Associados

VdA is a portuguese independent law firm. Our international footprint is one of the largest among the leading Lisbon-based law firms being present in ten jurisdictions, including francophone Africa, through VdAtlas - a fully integrated network of indepedent law firms

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HIDROERG – Projectos Energéticos, Limitada

Hidroerg is dedicated to the design, execution, operation and management of systems for electricity production from renewable natural resources. Established in 1989, it operates jointly with its subsidiaries nine power plants with an installed capacity of 33 MW and an annual output of 100 GWh. It aims to be a reference in the renewable energy sector, with a greater focus on water resources, within a framework of sustainable development and social and economic value generation in the areas where it operates.

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Governo Regional do Príncipe
CJR Renewables

CJR Renewables offers an EPC/BoP integrated service for the construction of wind farms. Operating across all stages of the process of implantation of a project and offering turnkey solutions. Founded in 2002, CJR Wind is present in Europe and Latin America.

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Confederação Empresarial da CPLP

The main objective of the CE-CPLP is to facilitate and strengthen business relations between associations and business entities of countries affiliated to the Business Confederation of the CPLP, increasing business, imports and exports in economic areas where these countries are included.

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MIRN - Ministério das Infraestruturas e Recursos Naturais
TESE – Associação para o Desenvolvimento

TESE is a Portuguese Development NGO that promotes sustainable access to social services and infrastructure, including renewable energies. Given our mission, we are focused in implementation of projects/consulting services linking the use of modern, reliable and affordable energy with the improvement of living conditions and income generation.

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Guilherme Collares Pereira

Guilherme was the international Relations Director of A2E- Access to Energy, at EDP Renováveis S.A.
Represented EDPR he was also:Vice-President of the Board of ALER, Vice-President of the Board of ARE- Alliance for Rural Electrification; Member of SEforALL CEMGP- Clean Energy MiniGrids Partnership; Chair of the A2E Network of Experts at Eurelectric.
Prior to Join EDP Group in 2007, as the Social Innovation Director of EDP Foundation, Guilherme successfully ran for more than two decades his own business in competitive, dynamic first line sectors, also heading various business associations in Portugal and abroad.
In 2017 Guilherme, was appointed Ambassador for SGD 7 by the UN Global Compact – Network Portugal
Guilherme holds a Master Degree in Entrepreneurial Sustainability Business and Environment; Post- Graduate in International Economy - European High Studies Diploma (University of Nancy- France); Business Management Degree (University of Lisbon).

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27 of May 2025
II CPLP Energy Conference
Cascais, Portugal

The II CPLP Energy Conference will take place on the 27th and 28th of May 2025, in Estoril Congress Center, Cascais, Portugal, and will be the stage for the dissemination of the latest developments and anchor projects for energy transitions in each CPLP country, with a view to making the most of endogenous resources and diversifying the energy matrix, to ensure universal, reliable and affordable access for all, while supporting socio-economic development.

26 of March 2025
4th CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar
São Tomé, São Tomé e Príncipe

The 4th CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar will take place on March 25, 2025, in São Tomé and Príncipe, and will mainly focus on the development of a Lusophone Roadmap for COP 30.

4 of November 2024
3rd CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The 3rd CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar focused on Carbon Markets, and was an opportunity to discuss and share best practices for regulating and trading carbon credits, considering the socio-environmental impacts generated.

30 of October 2024
2nd CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar
Praia, Cape Verde

Under the topic “The contribution of climate finance mechanisms to accelerating the energy transition in the CPLP Member States”, the 2nd CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar focused mainly on the role of climate funds.

2 of July 2024
1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar

The Government of São Tomé and Príncipe, which holds the Presidency of the CPLP, together with the Energy Thematic Committee of the CPLP Consultative Observers, coordinated by ALER and RELOP, and with the institutional support of the CPLP, will promote an Energy and Climate Seminars Series to discuss the contribution of climate finance mechanisms to accelerating the energy transition in the CPLP Member States.


27 of May 2024
ALER Market Outlook 2024

ALER Market Outlook provides information on the latest developments in the renewable energy market in the five Portuguese-speaking African countries that ALER monitors, materialized in national market sheets, exclusively accessible to ALER Members.

3 of July 2023
Countries' Week: Each day, one country

From July 3rd to 7th, ALER developed the Countries' Week: Each day, one country, to present all the information about renewable energies in Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe. 

8 of February 2023
Energy Efficiency - Key driver for energy transition in São Tomé and Príncipe

Join us on February 8 at the "Energy Efficiency - Key driver for energy transition in São Tomé and Príncipe" webinar for the presentation of regulations for minimum energy performance standards and the discussion on their implementation in the country.

20 of July 2022
International Conference - São Tomé and Principe Sustainable Energy
São Tomé and Príncipe | Online

The first International Conference on Sustainable Energy in São Tomé and Príncipe took place on the 20th and 21st of July in São Tomé and Príncipe and with online transmission. The Conference had simultaneos interpretation and is available in English.

21 of April 2022
Webinar 'National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Action Plans for São Tomé and Príncipe'

On April 21st,  the webinar dedicated to São Tomé and Príncipe Renewable Energies and energy efficiency National action Plan was presented exclusively online.

9 of March 2022
Webinar 'Reference Case Studies in Renewable Energy - São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde'

On March 9th, the Webinar that presented relevant Case Studies of projects developed on renewable energies took place.

14 of December 2021
Webinar 'Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in the Energy Sector in São Tomé and Príncipe'

The Webinar "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in the Energy Sector in São Tomé and Príncipe" took place on December 14th

20 of November 2020
Sustainable Energy to accelerate green recovery in São Tomé and Príncipe post-COVID 19

On 20 November at 10 am (GMT - Portugal time), ALER in partnership with the Ministry of Infrastructures and Natural Resources (MIRN) organized the webinar “Sustainable Energy to accelerate green recovery in São Tomé and Príncipe post-COVID 19”.

14 of June 2018
São Tomé and Príncipe Validation Workshop
São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipe

The workshop to validate the "National Renewable Energy Status Report of São Tomé and Príncipe" and the "Strategic Program for the promotion of investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency in Electric Sector of São Tomé and Príncipe" project components took place on the 14th of June 2018. Organized by ALER, in partnership with UNIDO and the Ministry of Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Environment of São Tomé and Príncipe, this event was supported by GEF.


Sustainable Energy, Entrepreneurship and Startups Workshop

The Sustainable Energy, Entrepreneurship and Startups Workshop had two-day duration and it was an online training program for entrepreneurs and startups in the area of sustainable energy.

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Women Sustainable Energy Program

The Women Sustainable Energy Program was held from February to July 2022 and had as its main objective the empowerment of women from São Tomé and Principe, Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau.

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Capacity building training for the Renewable Energy Associations of São Tomé and Príncipe

ALER, with the support of UNIDO, the GEF - Global Environment Facility, and the DGRNE - Directorate General for Natural Resources and Energy, carried out a training session between the January 31st and the February 4th for Renewable Energy Associations of São Tomé and Príncipe. 

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