10 Reasons to be a Member
Market Intelligence & Business Development
- Access to priviledged, summarized and up-to-date information from each african lusophone country
- Facilitate entry or consolidation into new markets
- Identify business opportunities and partnerships
Representation & Influence
- Contact with policy makers and government entities
- Participate in initiatives for exchange, information sharing and position making
- Increased intervention capacity
Communication & Marketing
- Promote and showcase activities at national and international level
- Exclusive discounts
- Opportunity to be speaker at key events
- Oportunidade para ser orador em eventos chave do sector
- Access to ALER's extensive and diverse contacts’ network
Membership Categories

Membership Fees

In the year of registration of new Members, the annual fee is calculated pro rata according to the month of registration. In subsequent years, fees are always charged in full in January.
Membership Typologies
Join ALER and be part of our Members network, comprising all types of entities, such as:
- Governments
- Developers, suppliers or installers
- Energy funds
- Financial institutions
- Consultants
- Law firms
- Logistics operators
- Associations
- Academic and research institutions
- NGO's
- Individual persons
If you cannot be our Member, please contact us to be our partner. We want to cooperate with everyone.